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Katharine Tynan

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Katharine Tynan

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakKatharine Tynan
JaiotzaDublin1859ko urtarrilaren 23a
Herrialdea Irlandako Errepublika
 Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua
Irlandako Estatu Askea
HeriotzaWimbledon1931ko apirilaren 2a (72 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaSt Mary's Catholic Cemetery, Kensal Green (en) Itzuli
Ezkontidea(k)Henry Albert Hinkson (en) Itzuli  (1893 -  1919)
HizkuntzakIrlandako gaelera
Jarduerakpoeta, eleberrigilea eta idazlea

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Katharine Tynan ( Dublín, Irlanda, 1859ko urtarrilaren 23a - 1931ko apirilaren 2a) poeta eta idazle irlandarra izan zen. Bere lanak katolizismoaren eta irlandar abertzaletasunaren eraginak islatzen ditu.[1]    

Nekazari familia txiki batean jaio zen, Dublingo Clondalkin konderrian, eta St. Catherine s, Droghedako komentuko eskolan egin zituen ikasketak. 1878an bere lehen poema The Graphic egunkarian argitaratu zen. Ondoren, aldizka argitaratu zituen olerkiak Irish Monthly zein Hibernia egunkarietan eta 1880tik 1885era Dublin University Review egunkarian. Literatur aldizkarietarako kazetari gisa ere lan egin zuen, eta Irlandako Pizkundeari forma eman zion.

1885eko ekainean William Butler Yeats ezagutu zuen. Orduan, betiko korrespondentzia bat hasi zen Yeatsekin. Lehen gutunetan, Yeatsek katolizismo irlandarrarekin zerbait berezia egitea aholkatu zion. Louise de la Valliere y otros poemas (1885) bere lehen liburua Christina Rossetti olerkari britainiarrak eragina izan zuen eta, beraz, Yeatsek "nahiko irlandarra izateko ingeles eraginez beteegia" bezala deskribatu zuen. Yeats eta Christina Rossettirekin izandako harremanez gain, Charles Stewart Parnell, Alice Meynell eta Wilfrid Meynell senarrarekin, eta Christina Rossettiren anaiekin, Dante Gabriel Rossetti eta William Michael Rossettirekin ere adiskidetasuna izan zuen [2]

Bere bigarren poema liburuak, Shamrocks (1887), irlandar lotura bat zuten gaiak baino ez zituen jasotzen. The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems (1889) lanean Irlandako abesti bat jorratu behar zuela iradoki zion Yeatsi. Katharine Tynan Irlandan bizi izan zen 1893an Henry Albert Hinksonekin ezkondu zen arte.

Hainbat liburuki autobiografiko eta ehun bat eleberri erromantiko argitaratu zituen, horien artean The House in the Forest ('Basoko etxea', 1928), baita Collected Poems poema liburu bat ere (1930). Hainbat seme-alaba izan zituen, horien artean Pamela Hinkson idazlea (1900-1982.[3]

  • Louise de la Vallière (1885) poems
  • Shamrocks (1887)
  • Ballads & Lyrics (1891)
  • Irish Love-Songs (1892)
  • A Cluster of Nuts, Being Sketches Among My Own People (1894)
  • Cuckoo Songs (1894)
  • Miracle Plays (1895)
  • The Land of Mist and Mountain (1895)
  • The Way of a Maid (1895)
  • Three Fair Maids, or the Burkes of Derrymore (c.1895) later Illustrated by G. Demain Hammond
  • An Isle in the Water (1896)
  • Any women(1896)
  • Oh, What a Plague is Love! (1896)
  • The Golden Lily (1899)
  • The Dear Irish Girl (1899)
  • Her Father's Daughter (1900)
  • Poems (1901)
  • A Daughter of the Fields (1901)
  • A King's Woman (1902)
  • Love of Sisters (1902)
  • The Great Captain: A Story of the Days of Sir Walter Raleigh (1902)
  • The Handsome Quaker, and other Stories (1902)
  • The Adventures of Carlo (1903) illustrated by E. A. Cubitt
  • The Luck of the Fairfaxes (1904)
  • A Daughter of Kings (1905)
  • Innocencies (1905) poems
  • For the White Rose (1905)
  • A Little Book for Mary Gill's Friends (1905)
  • The Story of Bawn (1906)
  • The Yellow Domino (1906)
  • Book of Memory (1906)
  • Dick Pentreath (1906)
  • The Cabinet of Irish Literature. (4 volumes) (1906) editor, expansion of work by Charles Read
  • The Rhymed Life of St Patrick (1907) Illustrated by Lyndsay Symington
  • Twenty-One poems, selected by W. B. Yeats (Dun Emer Press, 1907)
  • A Little Book of XXIV Carols (1907)
  • Father Mathew (1908) biography of Theobald Mathew
  • Experiences (1908)
  • A Union of Hearts (1908)
  • The House of the Crickets (1908)
  • Ireland (1909)
  • A Little Book for John O'Mahony's Friends (1909)
  • The Book of Flowers (1909) with Frances Maitland
  • Mary Gray(1909)
  • A Girl of Galway
  • The Rich Man
  • A Red, Red Rose (c.1910)
  • Heart O' Gold or the Little Princess
  • The Story of Cecelia (1911)
  • New Poems (1911)
  • Princess Katharine (1911)
  • Twenty-five Years: Reminiscences (1913)
  • Irish Poems (1913)
  • The Wild Harp (1913) poetry anthology, editor, illustrated by C. M. Watts
  • A Mesalliance (1913)
  • A Midsummer Rose (1913)
  • The Daughter of the Manor (1914) illustrated by John Campbell
  • A Shameful Inheritance (1914)
  • The Flower of Peace (1914) poems
  • Mary Beaudesert, V. S. (1915)
  • Flower of Youth (1915) poems
  • The Curse of Castle Eagle (1915)
  • The House of the Foxes (1915) novel
  • Joining the colours (1916)
  • Lord Edward: A Study in Romance (1916)
  • The Holy War (Great War Poems). 1916.
  • The Middle Years (1916)
  • Margery Dawe (1916) illustrated by Frank E. Wiles
  • Late Songs (1917)
  • Herb O'Grace (1918) poems
  • The sad years (1918) tribute to Dora Sigerson
  • The Years of the Shadow (1919)
  • The Honourable Molly (1919)
  • Denys the Dreamer (1920)
  • The Handsome Brandons (1921) Illustrated by G. D. Hammond
  • Bitha's Wonderful Year (1922)
  • The Wandering Years (1922)
  • Evensong (1922)
  • White Ladies (1922)
  • A Mad Marriage (1922) novel
  • Memories (1924)
  • Life in the Occupied Area (1925)
  • The Man from Australia (1925)
  • The Wild Adventure (1927)
  • Twilight Songs (1927)
  • The Face in the Picture (1927)
  • Haroun of London (1927)
  • Pat, the Adventurer (1928)
  • The Respectable Lady (1928)
  • The River (1929)
  • Castle Perilous (1929)
  • The Squire's Sweetheart (1930)
  • Denise the Daughter (1930)
  • Collected Poems (1930)
  • The Admirable Simmons (1930)
  • The Forbidden Way (1931)
  • Philippa's Lover (1931)
  • A Lonely Maid (1931)
  • The Story of Our Lord (1932)
  • The Other Man (1932)
  • An International Marriage (1933)
  • Londonderry Air (1935)
  • The Briar Bush Maid
  • A little radiant girl, illustrated by John Campbell
  • A Passionate Pilgrim
  • Maxims
  • The Poems of Katharine Tynan (1963) edited by Monk Gibbon
  • A Girls Song"


[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]
  1. «Katharine Tynan Poems > My poetic side» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-04-01).
  2. (Ingelesez) «Katharine Tynan - Katharine Tynan Poems - Poem Hunter» (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-04-01).
  3. (Ingelesez) «Katharine Tynan | Irish poet and novelist» Encyclopedia Britannica (Noiz kontsultatua: 2020-04-02).

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